Sunday, February 7, 2016

Flames to Dust

So you decided to return
after all years that you let me burn
ignoring every signal fire?
I hope you like to walk on ashes of desire.
And no, you're not supposed to take the blame -
only the news there is not any flame
to fuel the light that made you seem a soul mate.
And even though I wish to pin it all on fate
I know this whole time filled with silence
was not intended to feel like violence.
And yet the only ears it protected
were yours from hearing my heart breaking.
Now wash your hands clean and go play your sound.
Cause it were mine that smashed it on the ground
and signed the byline of my fairy tale
that went completely Orwell.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Thrown in a cage
Bars rise as I age
I’ve been doing the time
Before I got to do the crime
Turns out rules love the wrong
More than the right
And villains get along
With everyone but the knight
Playing by the book
Won’t let you off the hook
The book just nails it deeper
With a nasty twist
Reach out for a keeper
It’ll slap you on the wrist
And yet your biggest mistake
Remains the one you never make
You can’t expect to get away with
Wanting more and better
Than all they ever had or did
Just don’t look down the ladder
And if they really get to feast
On all the beauty you’re made of
They’ll end up with the beast
They sure as hell deserve

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Promise of a smile
That should last awhile
Signals mixed in a single look
Enough said, I’m on the hook
No point in resisting perfection
Kindness mistaken for affection
Either way around
Feet are off the ground
Who knew this bird could fly?
Rise above it and get high
On that wind beneath my wings
Blowing my mind
Cutting them strings
Just erase. No rewind
No coming back
To that old wrack
I used to be
Finally free
Though at high price
For thinking twice
Why hold on tight?
Fall is still a flight

Saturday, September 20, 2014



On such a night
It just seems right
To let my eyes
Dive in the sky
And take me dancing with the stars
You shine too bright to be that far
And feel way closer than the solid ground
Or maybe I’m just too lost to be found
Is one of you supposed to be mine?
To check upon me, make sure that I’m fine?
To fall for me and always be there?
Guess you’ll just leave me with no choice but stare
Sky is shooting them at me
But I’m the one who’s missing
Well, lucky you, my little twinkling
You just dodged a bullet really
Cause I always wish big
Won’t hide behind a fig

Friday, August 23, 2013

On purpose

It was on purpose, don’t you worry
I won’t say any oops or sorry
I meant to spill my cherries
All over the piano keys
Then pick them up as reason
to put me on your knees
The deal ain’t bigger than my nerve
To face and taste what I deserve
It was on purpose but you got it wrong
I didn’t mean to break your song
I let you have me in your hand
But was no eager grain of sand
Ready to shower in your tears
So she could turn to pearl
One moment to feed me for years
Is all I’ve taken from your world

Find me

For all the days
I couldn't make
For all the ways
I learned to fake
I just can't wait, you see
I need you to find me

For all the cold nights
I had to walk alone
For all the hot fights
I handled on my own
For all the freaks I used to be
I need you to find me

For I do try to be a lady
With solid ground beneath her feet
But cannot help that I so hate it
For it is just too hard to cheat
On that lil' nut stuck in my mind,
Which says it's me you need to find

For every shooting star
That left my heart a scar
For all my rights and all my wrongs
Your arms is where my soul belongs
For even though I hardly lose a key
I won't be home till you find me

Fire loves fire

Everybody's got a drug
Sometimes it's obsession
Sometimes – just a bug

You're cravin' for an easy way
To sugar up another bitter day
But loose hold of the real thing
Can't hit chance with a lame swing

Shortcuts to heaven
Are offered for sale
But how could they matter
If not hot as hell

Don't be a joke
And don't blow your turn
Some people smoke
But some people burn

Don't ask me to tame
Your feverish flame
The holes in your plan
Are burnt by desire
So let the fall take you higher
'Cause, baby, fire loves fire