Friday, August 23, 2013

On purpose

It was on purpose, don’t you worry
I won’t say any oops or sorry
I meant to spill my cherries
All over the piano keys
Then pick them up as reason
to put me on your knees
The deal ain’t bigger than my nerve
To face and taste what I deserve
It was on purpose but you got it wrong
I didn’t mean to break your song
I let you have me in your hand
But was no eager grain of sand
Ready to shower in your tears
So she could turn to pearl
One moment to feed me for years
Is all I’ve taken from your world

Find me

For all the days
I couldn't make
For all the ways
I learned to fake
I just can't wait, you see
I need you to find me

For all the cold nights
I had to walk alone
For all the hot fights
I handled on my own
For all the freaks I used to be
I need you to find me

For I do try to be a lady
With solid ground beneath her feet
But cannot help that I so hate it
For it is just too hard to cheat
On that lil' nut stuck in my mind,
Which says it's me you need to find

For every shooting star
That left my heart a scar
For all my rights and all my wrongs
Your arms is where my soul belongs
For even though I hardly lose a key
I won't be home till you find me

Fire loves fire

Everybody's got a drug
Sometimes it's obsession
Sometimes – just a bug

You're cravin' for an easy way
To sugar up another bitter day
But loose hold of the real thing
Can't hit chance with a lame swing

Shortcuts to heaven
Are offered for sale
But how could they matter
If not hot as hell

Don't be a joke
And don't blow your turn
Some people smoke
But some people burn

Don't ask me to tame
Your feverish flame
The holes in your plan
Are burnt by desire
So let the fall take you higher
'Cause, baby, fire loves fire

Damned right

The look you throw at someone else
Feels like a needle in my chest
The kiss you blow her makes me choke
You're laughin' as if I'm the joke

Wish you could drop the voodoo doll
That keeps me under your control
My heart is breaking crack by crack
Falls down to pieces but I glue them back
The simple agony of wanting something I don't have
Will drive me on and on till nothing's left

Then you won't ever find another
To speak the words I said
All freezing flame and burning water
To make you want me just as bad

Reach out for my hand in the crowd
So full of people you don't care about
You thought my absence shouldn't matter
Now it turns out to make you see
There's lots of worse and better
But still no other me

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Clock strikes hard enough
To break a heart
Fate’s just committed a crime
Right people met at wrong time

Saw you bathing in the fading sun
Figured out you must be fun
Felt you creepin’ under my skin
All I said was: come on in!

Time is racing with my heartbeat
And tonight’s too hot to chill that heat
But tomorrow brings me back on my feet
Sweet dream’s over, so I repeat
Fate’s just committed a crime
Right people met at wrong time

Things I have to say and do
Mean to defy any taboo
Lead you back in my arms
And make you snooze the alarm

Do not let me back in the rush
Have my days copied and pasted
Till my crush's vanished up
And my heart turns out wasted

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cherry tale

Very cherry
Better than any berry
I dive in your cocktail
And toss in the cream
Take part in my cherry tale
It’s so full of steam

Soft on the outside
Inside I’m a stone
Try me alright
Before summer is gone

See me rolling on the table
Caged in a glass with a label
Sweet but untasted is what I am
Boiled down to a cherry jam

Don’t think that I blush
I’m just red to the bone
You keep calm and hush
I must cherry on

It may be too much
But it's not all my fault
Given that words can touch
And body can talk